mardi 7 octobre 2008


Je suis vraiment désolée mais le kit est provisoirement retiré car certains éléments sont issus d'un kit existant ou il était mentionné l'autorisation de l'utilisation commerciale. J'ai donc pensé avoir le droit de mélanger ces éléments à ceux que j'ai créé.

Je suis un peu déçue mais je le remettrais à disposition quand j'aurais enlevé les éléments
qui ont posés problèmes et rajouté d'autres éléments à moi.

Je tiens tout particulièrement à m'excuser vis à vis des gens que j'aurai pu offenser.
"C'est en se trompant que l'on apprend".

Merci de votre compréhension et à tout bientôt!

I am really sorry but the kit is temporarily removed because certain elements arise from an existing kit where was mentioned "commercial use ok". I thus thought of having the right to mix these elements to those that I created.

I am a little disappointed but I would put it back when I would have removed the elements which raised problems and added by other elements from me.

I particularly want to apologize for people whom I shall have been able to offend.
" While making a mistake one learns ".

Thank you for your understanding and in quite soon!

3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Well by ALL our freebies is TOU with NO commercial use, no recolor, no placing in another zips... I really don´t understand, why you are disappointed ?
Have lucky hand next time! - APrilmouse

Noshay a dit…

I am disappointed for the simple reason that I did not take this freebie to you but on another blog which I think pirated your blog and maybe others.the blog in question is untraceable or does not exist any more, then I removed all the elements coming from this kit.

P.s I did not intend to damage you, I appreciate your work!


Anonyme a dit…

Katty, I haven´t mail on you - can you please tell me about that pirated blog? It is not first time I have heard about... my mail is

thank you for all non - pirate designers



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